Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Healthcare management assistant

Gesundheitliche Ausbildung
Location of the training provider



3 years

State recognition


Type of training/education

Dual training: Academic and practical


The training and education can also be accomplished as a conversion following a previous course and is typically shortened to two years in this case.

Training allowance

A training wage is paid that increases for each year of training.

What are my activities in this job?

Healthcare management assistants plan and organize business and service processes and act on the basis of social and health laws. In addition, they are responsible for customer service. They collect and record patient data and issue invoices, e.g. to health insurance providers. They can also work in internal finance and accounting as well as in commercial human resources management.

Where can I work?

Healthcare management assistants are employed primarily by health insurance providers, hospitals, pension and rehabilitation institutions, medical practices, medical laboratories, emergency services, elderly nursing homes, outpatient elderly care and outpatient nursing.

What requirements must I meet?

  • General higher education entrance qualification/ entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences
  • Intermediate school leaving certificate with good to very good grades in maths, German and economics
  • Commercial thinking skills
  • Empathy in dealing with customers and patients and patients.

How much will the training cost?

There are no costs.

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