Your dream jobs
in the future
health market
Training & Education
in the healtcare sector in Hamburg
With an apprenticeship in the health sector, you learn a profession with really good prospects for the future. So if you have a certain interest in health-related topics and are enthusiastic about one of the many professions, nothing stands in the way of your career in the health sector!
Hamburg, like many large German cities, is very popular with students and the range of courses on offer is very diverse, especially in the field of health. The good prospects for the future and the meaningfulness of the work are only part of the many advantages that a health-related degree brings. Although studying and working can be exhausting – it is worth it.
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In this section, we provide you with information on events and activities related to health professions and education.

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Tips & Tricks
There are many career opportunities in the health sector! Being well informed is therefore crucial. In the TIPS & NEWS section you can find out interesting facts about the various health professions.